Mathematician by heart, Statistician by training, and Data Scientist by profession with extensive in-depth programming skills. I love developing data products and like to solve various real-world problems using machine learning, data mining, and other types of data analytics and data visualization tools, such as Python and OpenCV TensorFlow, and Keras. Besides, I'm proficient in R, Matlab, and web designing tools like HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. I've just started my career about 3 years ago in data analytics, data mining, and predictive modeling. I've done my summer project 2019 in IIT Mandi, where I learned GAN (Generative Adversarial Neural Nets) and used it to produce duplicate medical data. This model addresses the scarcity of data and saves us a lot of time and effort. I've done both my undergrad and masters in IISER Kolkata, in Mathematics and Statistics. My final year MS project is about Multi-label image classification of Satellite Images of the Amazon Rainforest. Now I'll be pursuing another Master (in CSE) at IIITH to strengthen my required skills. I am very ardent about the different applications of data science. And I believe, though I've started late, I will master a significant part of my interest in due course of time.